Upcoming Events
Strengthening your faith and friendships.

2025 Cheyenne Youth Rally
Jack Dodgen, from the Eastside Church of Christ in Midwest City, OK is our keynote speaker.
This year will feature all of the usual fun from previous rallies: singing, breakout groups, food, and activities at the BEAST rec center.
If you have any questions, please contact our minister, Chris Krotz: (402) 430-7904.
Please click here to register: https://www.cheyennechurchofchrist.org/2025-cheyenne-youth-rally

2024 Cheyenne Youth Rally
This year’s youth rally theme is “no other gods” based on what we read in Exodus 20:3. Brett Petrillo, from the Bear Valley Church of Christ in Denver, CO, is our keynote speaker, and we will be looking at lessons on idolatry in our modern world. This year will feature all of the usual fun from previous rallies: singing, breakout groups, food, and activities at the BEAST rec center. If you have any questions, please contact our minister, Chris Krotz: (402) 430-7904.
Please click here to register: https://www.cheyennechurchofchrist.org/2024-cheyenne-youth-rally

Notes of Encouragement
Meet at City Brew on Dell Range with a desire to bless others. We will enjoy coffee and write notes of encouragement to members of the congregation, our families, our friends, missionaries… Anyone who comes to mind this month!

Crafting Group
Bring whatever project you’re working on (and an extension cord, if you need power) and join in the fellowship.

Monthly Men’s Breakfast
Boys/men of all ages are welcome to join us for breakfast and a devotional. Invite your friends, and bring a dish to share (if you would like.)

Notes of Encouragement
Meet at City Brew on Dell Range with a desire to bless others. We will enjoy coffee and write notes of encouragement to members of the congregation, our families, our friends, missionaries… Anyone who comes to mind this month!

Crafting Group
Bring whatever project you’re working on (and an extension cord, if you need power) and join in the fellowship.

Monthly Men’s Breakfast
Boys/men of all ages are welcome to join us for breakfast and a devotional. Invite your friends, and bring a dish to share (if you would like.)

Notes of Encouragement
Meet at City Brew on Dell Range with a desire to bless others. We will enjoy coffee and write notes of encouragement to members of the congregation, our families, our friends, missionaries… Anyone who comes to mind this month!

Crafting Group
Bring whatever project you’re working on (and an extension cord, if you need power) and join in the fellowship.

Monthly Men’s Breakfast
Boys/men of all ages are welcome to join us for breakfast and a devotional. Invite your friends, and bring a dish to share (if you would like.)

Notes of Encouragement
Meet at City Brew on Dell Range with a desire to bless others. We will enjoy coffee and write notes of encouragement to members of the congregation, our families, our friends, missionaries… Anyone who comes to mind this month!

Crafting Group
Bring whatever project you’re working on (and an extension cord, if you need power) and join in the fellowship.

Monthly Men’s Breakfast
Boys/men of all ages are welcome to join us for breakfast and a devotional. Invite your friends, and bring a dish to share (if you would like.)

Notes of Encouragement
Meet at City Brew on Dell Range with a desire to bless others. We will enjoy coffee and write notes of encouragement to members of the congregation, our families, our friends, missionaries… Anyone who comes to mind this month!

Crafting Group
Bring whatever project you’re working on (and an extension cord, if you need power) and join in the fellowship.

Monthly Men’s Breakfast
Boys/men of all ages are welcome to join us for breakfast and a devotional. Invite your friends, and bring a dish to share (if you would like.)

Notes of Encouragement
Meet at City Brew on Dell Range with a desire to bless others. We will enjoy coffee and write notes of encouragement to members of the congregation, our families, our friends, missionaries… Anyone who comes to mind this month!

Crafting Group
Bring whatever project you’re working on (and an extension cord, if you need power) and join in the fellowship.

Monthly Men’s Breakfast
Boys/men of all ages are welcome to join us for breakfast and a devotional. Invite your friends, and bring a dish to share (if you would like.)

Notes of Encouragement
Meet at City Brew on Dell Range with a desire to bless others. We will enjoy coffee and write notes of encouragement to members of the congregation, our families, our friends, missionaries… Anyone who comes to mind this month!

Jesus League! - VBS 2023
All children going into pre-K through 6th grade are invited to join us to learn about Bible “heroes” and what makes them stand out. There will be crafts, activities, snacks - you won’t want to miss it!

Jesus League! - VBS 2023
All children going into pre-K through 6th grade are invited to join us to learn about Bible “heroes” and what makes them stand out. There will be crafts, activities, snacks - you won’t want to miss it!

Jesus League! - VBS 2023
All children going into pre-K through 6th grade are invited to join us to learn about Bible “heroes” and what makes them stand out. There will be crafts, activities, snacks - you won’t want to miss it!
Ministers Email
4707 Allan Rd
Cheyenne, WY 82009