Close up image of toddler in red glasses and her hands raised

Our Ministries

We invite you to share in this community of faith and discover
God’s joy and peace in your life today

Sage green leaf branches crossing over one another clipart

Learn More About Our Ministries

Cheyenne Church of Christ Children's Church logo on a paint splattered background

Children’s church is made available to children ages 3 to Kindergarten during the sermon portion of our Sunday assembly. This volunteer service allows our young parents to be challenged and embrace hope free from distractions.

Children’s Church

Cheyenne Church of Christ Young at Heart logo on a white background

Our church emphasizes helping and encouraging young people and teenagers today to face various challenging trails they must navigate. Our youth group holds multiple activities monthly where teens can learn the Gospel and lean on each other for support.


Young At Heart

Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University logo on a blue background

Our group for those 50+ years old gets together every couple of months to have fun and encourage one another. From special dinners to Wii bowling tournaments and even the occasional outing, one thing is sure, they always have a good time!

Cheyenne Church of Christ's Making Life Disciples logo on a light blue background

As Christians, we need to be good stewards of the blessings God has given us, and that includes our finances. Financial Peace University is a proven strategy to help those in financial trouble gain freedom from debt. These classes are held every other year for those who need them.

Financial Peace University

The sanctity of life is very important to our church, and this group is trained to provide a specific and unique way to combat abortion. Those who have graduated from the Making Life Disciples curriculum are trained to walk alongside women and men considering making a life decision for their unborn child.

Making Life Disciples

Cheyenne Church of Christ's Quilting Ministry logo on a light blue background

This group supports our congregation with a quilt for every occasion. Whether it be a graduation, wedding, or newborn baby, these ladies work diligently to ensure everyone has a quilt to remember life’s milestones and have something to keep them warm on those cold Wyoming nights.

Quilting Ladies

Cheyenne Church of Christ's Man Up logo on a white background

Our men’s ministry aims to tackle the specific challenges facing Christian men today. Fathers, husbands, and men of all ages are encouraged to come to the monthly men’s breakfast and the yearly shooting day and retreat. 

Man Up

Cheyenne Youth Rally logo on a black background

SOUL Sisters is our ladies’ ministry and consists of a community of women who gather to fellowship, mentor, and connect in a supportive environment. On-going events include a weekly Bible study, card-writing, and Coffee & Conversation study. We also hold larger, annual events, like our Ladies Day. All SOUL Sisters events are open to all ages of women.

SOUL Sisters

Cheyenne Church of Christ's Game Knights logo on a black background

Each year the Cheyenne Church of Christ plans a weekend for strengthening your faith and your friendships. Jesus-focused lessons and breakout sessions are designed to cultivate meaningful discussion and practical takeaways.

Cheyenne Youth Rally

Game Knights

If you like (or LOVE!) board games, the new ministry we are trying out is for you. This ministry will encourage fellowship within our family and provide an outreach opportunity for us to invite our friends who don’t attend our church. We meet monthly and play a variety of games. Take a look at the calendar for the next Game Knight!

Cheyenne Church of Christ's G5:1 logo on a orange red background

The problem of pornography addiction is not just a worldly problem, it has infiltrated the church as well. G5:1 gets its name from Galatians 5:1 – “For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” This ministry aims to help free those who have submitted to porn addiction. This group of men meets weekly to encourage one another and apply strategies for this problem.


Get Involved

Sage green leaf branches crossing over one another clipart

Interested in one of our Ministries? Let’s chat.

White icon of a telephone on a rust colored circle


White icon of a location pin on a rust colored circle


4707 Allan Rd
Cheyenne, WY 82009

White icon of a email envelope on a rust colored circle

Ministers Email